Doc generators

m.css is not just for stat­ic sites and blogs — there’s a need for a mod­ern, light­weight and mo­bile-friendly lay­out for API doc­u­ment­a­tion as well. The m.css doc­u­ment­a­tion gen­er­at­ors are defined by their first-class search func­tion­al­ity and clut­ter-free out­put, fa­vor­ing hu­man-pro­duced doc­u­ment­a­tion over auto­gen­er­ated con­tent.


All m.css doc­u­ment­a­tion themes share the fol­low­ing fea­tures:

  • Mod­ern, light­weight and mo­bile-friendly HTM­L5 markup
  • Min­im­al­ist­ic design without un­ne­ces­sary chrome and UI ele­ments
  • Fo­cused on present­ing the ac­tu­al writ­ten doc­u­ment­a­tion while re­du­cing ques­tion­able auto-gen­er­ated con­tent
  • Math rendered as em­bed­ded SVG in­stead of ras­ter im­ages / Math­Jax, mak­ing use of the m.math plu­gin
  • Graphv­iz / Dot dia­grams rendered as em­bed­ded SVG, as im­ple­men­ted in
  • Us­ing Pyg­ments for bet­ter code high­light­ing, cour­tesy of the m.code plu­gin

Doxy­gen C++ theme »

More than just a theme — tak­ing the XML out­put pro­duced by Doxy­gen, clean­ing it up, re­du­cing the auto­gen­er­ated clut­ter, while mak­ing it mo­bile-friendly and ex­tend­ing it with bet­ter con­tent lay­out­ing cap­ab­il­it­ies and im­proved sup­port for C++11 and bey­ond. Fully com­pat­ible with Doxy­gen URL format and tag files to avoid broken links once you switch.

Py­thon docs »

All fea­tures you’re used to from either the m.css Pel­ic­an theme or the Doxy­gen C++ theme, only for Py­thon doc­u­ment­a­tion. Ex­tract­ing Py­thon APIs us­ing re­flec­tion, not pars­ing Py­thon sources it­self. With ded­ic­ated sup­port for py­bind11 pro­jects.